Thursday, November 10, 2011

2 Month Check-In

Oliver turned 9 weeks old today and we went in for his 2 month doctor's appointment. Thought it would be a good time to reflect on all that he has going on.

At two weeks, he was weighing in at the 50th percentile and 90th percentile for length. Today, he is 14 lbs, 11 oz - 97th percentile! And he is 24.75" long - 96th percentile. He's certainly developed his chubby baby cheeks. Dr Schunk said he could probably be in a room of four month olds and look just like them. I'll vouch for that - he's wearing 3-6 month clothes, and wearing size 2 diapers. I just today adjusted his carseat straps from the lowest slot of three to the highest (whoops, didn't think to check on that earlier). His fingers no longer look freakishly long - his hands just look large. Crazy how big he has gotten!

He has some new fuzzy hair quickly growing on the top of his head (adorable). Lighter than what he was born with - possibly the same color as my hair. And, the verdict is still out, but I'm still holding out hope for blue eyes! His skin has stayed clear since he was born, and he is of course looking quite adorable. Still looks mostly like Mitchell, except for his eyes.

He has been smiling finally. It's usually during certain times of the day, but he'll be very happy and smile in reaction to you, which is very fun. He likes his pacifier, but not as much as he did before. He really enjoys his playgym - staring for long periods of time at the dangling toys - mostly the octopus. He also likes his swing, which is a lifesaver at times. In general, he's much more alert - so, finally getting ready to finish putting the art on the walls in the nursery so he has something to look at, and the pressure is on for book reading and adding new stimulation.

Next up is working on a bedtime routine. Currently he goes to bed between 11 and 1, sleeps until 3 or 5, and then again until 6 or 8. He no longer sleeps in, which makes me suspicious that he's not really my son... We're going to try to get him to bed at 9, with some nursing, a "bath" and a book. Also going to start to phase out the swaddling, and start to think about moving him into his own room eventually. Going to up the tummy time, too. Can't wait for more personality - like laughing! It's all moving so fast, and except for the crying and lack of sleep, it's all so fun!

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