Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bombs Away!!

I finally did it!!! Jacob, Mitchell and I FINALLY went skydiving. It was our third attempt. The first attempt was doused by rain - but we got the call ahead in the morning and didn't head out at all. The second attempt was thwarted by clouds and a hold due to weather for an indeterminable amount of time - so we left the place early with a voucher. Then Mitchell and I both had last Friday off anyway and the day was gorgeous. So, we headed on down to Skydive Oregon. We waited around for a bit, but then got suited up. Mitchell had to get an extra large helmet for his big noodle and we all opted to jump without a super-sweet jumpsuit - it would have been way too hot. There was very little personal space when it comes to skydiving tandem. Much discussion of my boobs and then, you wedge yourself in the plane like a train with your instructor in back and your photographer in front and everyone else surrounding you. We all got video and photos this first time - video to come later. Once they opened the huge door and we slid out, the view was awesome - you could see all the mountains and even the ocean (so Mitchell says). It felt like I was under an intense wave of water during the free fall - like water was driving up my nose. Once the chute opened (which also hurt) we spiraled around and could actually pay attention to the view. It was sweet and felt like forever and nothing at the same time. The landing was scary as we approached the ground at lightning speed, but you just land on your butt and it's not a problem at all. All in all, so glad I went and would recommend it to anyone. Check this one off the list!

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