Last Thursday was my last day of work. I won't be going back after the baby is born. I can't tell you how it feels yet. So far pretty much surreal, as if I'm summer break. While the verdict is still out, I will tell you that I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to throwing myself head first into this whole full-time mom thing. After a few weeks of a break, that is.
I realized that I never took a break after college - graduated Saturday, moved Sunday and began work on Monday (and sacrificed my European vacation for the chance at full-time employment at an ad agency). Then when I made a job move 6 years later, I gave my two weeks, worked those two weeks, and began the next Monday. So, a year and a half later I feel like it's a privilege to take a little time to rest, recoup, prepare and take care of all the dang errands and appointments that seem to stack up. Oliver best not arrive too early...
I may be singing a different tune 6 months or a year from now, but right now I absolutely know that quitting work is the best decision for me, Mitchell and Oliver. Reggie and Gus will also probably appreciate having me around more.
Now, who wants to meet me for lunch??