Thursday, January 3, 2013

16 Months

As we approach the 16 Month mark, there's lots going on for Oliver.

The biggie is that he learned to walk over Christmas. He was teetering so close for awhile. And I didn't push it, since I saw the efforts at Thanksgiving and knew the relatives would make it happen. And indeed they pulled through! Official first steps we're counting December 26, 2012. He's definitely into more things, but it's also nice for him to be able to move better on his own. Mixed blessing! No running yet.

Oliver is also talking like crazy. Granted, many of the words require some interpretation, but he's quite verbose for his age. The doctor said he was probably working on his words instead of walking - as 15 months is a bit late. Words include; Mom, Daddy, PopPop, Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, Reggie, Louie, Doggie, Woof-Woof, Meow, Owl, Who-Who, Duck, Quack-Quack, Apple, Snack, Banana, Cheese, No, Night-Night, Choo-Choo, On, Hot, Thank You, Go Ducks... the list goes on, and he pretty much copies whatever you work with him on. Cute.

He continues to hold rank as a big boy. His latest 15 Month stats were: 28.3 lbs (95%), 34.5" (99%). Babies slow their grow in weight, so I keep thinking he's got to be at least 30 lbs, but not so. He is also growing a mouthful of teeth. He has all 8 teeth up front (4 top, 4 bottom) and then 3 molars, with a 4th coming soon. Next up: a haircut this month. The sides are tickling his ears, and the back definitely turns into a mullet when it's not curly. Just got to pick the place to get it done.

He still loves music, now the Baby Songs videos he gets to watch sometimes on TV, animals, fish, cars, trucks and trains. Lots of fun! And still taking 2 naps a day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Limited Edition

Cool! I love limited edition/can't buy it/one-of-a-kind. Crate&Barrel has created these 50th Anniversary Teapots.

12 artists have added their design to a classic teapot, a new one to be available each month until the 200 are sold out. $200 is a lot, as it doesn't seem to be going to a charity of any kind. But still, cool.

Happy New Year 2013

Resolutions. Sigh. The guilt of January 1.

Most of my resolutions are short-term, but then, most follow-through tends to be the same! 2013 missions as follow:

  • 10 lbs down by the end of January - for Andie's 30th birthday in Vegas. Followed shortly by Mitchell and my trip to Hawaii. I was considering aiming for the full 20 I have to go, but why set myself up for failure? 
  • Launch my Etsy site. It's been started, but not ready for promotion. Just going to try my hand at listing some antiques that I already have and am willing to part with. For the right price. It's my low commitment entrance into the world of "picking." 
  • Reconnecting with friends. No reason I can't visit my good friends around town for lunch. Or drinks. Or pedis. I've slacked off and been a bad friend. So this is my month to get back out there. Reading this and haven't seen me in awhile? Speak up - I'm yours! :) 
Other immediate 2013 missions include cutting Oliver's hair for the first time and getting Louie groomed for the first time. Things are getting shaggy around here. 
